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Nurses with an interest in health and healthcare reform first met in-person at the College of Nursing on the University of Massachusetts campus in Amherst. Three nurse educators; a school nurse; an APRN in gerontology and a public health nurse attended. Discussion focused on short-comings of the Massachusetts healthcare law and how to draw attention to the absence of incentives and rewards for living a healthy life. In fact the absence of health as an organizing concept in the law. A suggestion by the public health nurse to contact someone from the Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses (MAPHN) led Vanetzian, convenor of the meeting, to access the MAPHN website along with access to the Robert Wood Johnson (RWJF) National Culture of Health Initiative. This, and recommendations of the Future of Nursing Report (IOM, RWJF, AARP) greatly influenced future thinking and ideas considered by the Interest Group.
Amanda Stone, RN former president of the Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses (MAPHN) and director of a successful and valued town-funded hybrid community/public health nursing practice in Mattapoisett, MA. Amanda served as a member of the first core leadership group. She was instrumental in advancing the organizational structure of the Nurses Culture of Health Initiative to that of an Alliance and she designed the official NCHA logo.
Independent nursing practice is not a new idea. Nurse entrepreneurs have already identified areas of interest and established nursing practices across the country. Published findings of a 2015 study conducted by the American Academy of Nursing (AAN) referred to nurses in independent practice as Edge Runners. Entitled, Commonalities of nurse-designed models of health care , the study is authored by Diana J. Mason, PhD, RN, FAAN, Dorothy A. Jones, PhD, RN, FAAN, Callista Roy, PhD, RN, FAAN, Cheryl G. Sullivan, MSES, Laura J. Wood, DNP, MS, RN (2015).
Nursing Outlook, Volume 63, Issue 5, 540 - 553.
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